Space Fiction - Space flight in the year 2222

Space Fiction - Space flight in the year 2222
Permanently inhabited space stations, rockets taking off and landing, or helicopters on alien planets - what sounded like science fiction just a few years ago is now reality. It just goes to show that space dreams can never be big enough. That's why in this workshop we'll take a look 200 years into the future. Will there be space elevators, Dyson spheres or cities on other celestial bodies in 2222? Frankly, we don't know. But there are a lot of breathtaking concepts we can talk about today. And we're not just talking about the technical aspects, but also the social and political ones. The basis is a scenario in which we as humanity have to prepare for a new beginning on another celestial body.
Main content of the workshop
Space Fiction - Space flight in the year 2222
Non-binding inquiry
If you are interested in having us conduct this workshop at and with you, please fill out the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the details.