


Together with strong partners from industry and research, we plan to launch our own Cubesat into orbit.

In 2021, the German Aerospace Center announced the Microlauncher competition. The winners in different rounds were Rocket Factory Augsburg and Isar Aerospace. Both offer to carry payloads free of charge on their maiden flights. We are applying to transport our own Cubesat on the last flight.

Mission #steamspace

With our mission we want to inspire future specialists for the topic and take away the perceived distance to space travel and satellite technology. For this purpose, we are bringing a small satellite (CubeSat) into space, which is to radio signals to Earth as part of a MINT campaign.

At the same time, we are testing the use of new materials in satellite production as part of the mission together with our partners from industry and research.

steamspace Timeline


Resolution Astrodrom e.V.

We have taken the decision in the association to participate in the payload competition.

Abgabe Teilnahmeantrag

Submission of participation application Astrodrom e.V. et al.

incl. mission description and technical specifications of the payload

Bekanntgabe Gewinner

Announcement of the winners Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

DLR announces the winners of the payload competition

Abschluss der Startvereinbarungen

Conclusion of the launch agreements Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt

for all winners of payload competition

Abschluss Aufbau Nutzlast

Completion of payload construction Astrodrom e.V. et al.

according to all specifications of the launcher manufacturer

Launch Mission #steamspace

Launch Mission #steamspace Astrodrom e.V. et al.

Launch of the operational mission

Abschluss Mission

Completion of mission Astrodrom e.V. et al.

anticipated end of mission with targeted deorbiting

preliminary timeline, subject to change